When the solution is simple, God is answering. -Albert Einstein
This links to a paper I wrote one afternoon for several Series expansions for Pi or any fraction of Pi, i.e. Pi/3.
A newspaper article on a program I developed to reduce math phobia and instill math fundamentals.
This link leads to a current experiment and research paper being submitted for peer review in IEEE
Let AB=Ct
This let statement creates the photon particle A and the antiparticle B.
The Product Series uses a process I called the sum of infinite orthogonal steps and both the Sum Series uses the addition or subtraction of fractal areas, converging from below and from above respectively. The formulas are unique however one of the predictions of the infinite orthoganol steps is Viete's formula for Pi/2. The concept of infinite orthogonal steps predicts the Pythagorean Theorem, but also demonstrates that physical space is curved not linear and orthoganol growth (perpendicular to a line) results in circular motion not linear.
Teaching complicated Math and Engineering concepts to typically math phobic students has compelled me to more thoroughly and fundamentally understand the relationship between them. This allows me to think outside of the box as a researcher and a mentor.
Perhaps it is our ego that compels us to over complicate issues, suppressing our child like instinct to solve problems with a single thought. Like Einstein, I quickly realized the limits of my intellect and the need for simple answers. After a conversation with my mentor, Chancellor Professor Dr. Jim Wight of Carleton University, where he stated that "If there is a God, God is Math", my arrogance lead me to parody my work with The Book of Genesis. With in minutes I realized that the Book Of Genesis is a math paper or a Metric Space. The simple Let Statement Let AB=Ct forces the creation of our universe by creating the spin that creates the photon and all the forces we perceive as Fields and summarizes hundreds of pages of my math with a simple Let Statement. This was a very humbling experience.
A photonics experiment was performed to validate a model of the photon particle predicted by the above let statement. The model predicted what appears to be Strong Force and the EM forces. Particle bounce and the predicted force between photons made better predictions for both the single and double slit experiments and particle bounce was demonstrated to initiate dispersion of the laser with a correlation factor of 0.9599. If one considers the first two days of the universe as a billionth of a billionth of one percent of a second in time, the Book of Genesis can be viewed as a math paper or a metric space of our universe created by a simple let statement, "Let there be light".
The rewards of teaching can be found in excerpts from a letter signed by my Math and Engineering students of four consecutive
semesters. As my colleagues can attest these student reviews are common amongst my students.
The 5th Semester Electro-technology students Nov. 21, 2012
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If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. - Albert Einstein