I have a good sense of humour and this makes me more productive and fun to work or play with.
In the hockey world I am known as . I am a well rounded person that until recently was still trying to playing hockey at what some might call an elite level, however G (aka Dan Girardi) has suggested it's time for me to hang up the skates. As of late I am losing a step or three to the younger players but out of respect they still pass me the puck.
I am articulate, personable, intelligent and accomplishment oriented. Both my students and hockey players respect me. I excel at most things I do and take great pride in accomplishments. My family, Play with the Pros charity event, a possible paradigm shifting research paper, a Nomination by the National Research Council for one of the most innovative research projects of 1996, lnternational patents and a National PR campaign which boasted numerous appearances on shows like Breakfast television, Mike Bullard, Vicky Gabereau, Chum Fm, Z95 Vancouver and hundreds of print articles including the Toronto Star, National Post and ABC TV are among a few of the accomplishments I take pride in.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein-
I make more mistakes by 9 a.m. then most people do in an entire day. Finding solutions by the end of the day is my forte.
Engineers are taught not to make mistakes and this can impede the creative design process, but we are taught to make things work and this directs Creativity to Reality.
I have a solid understanding of math and how it relates to the material world.
A design issue required an expensive Digital Signal Processing solution. Analysis of the signal determined the derivative of the wave form would achieve the same result. A simple Differentiator circuit was designed for pennies versus several dollars per unit and a savings of tens of thousands in R&D costs and several months development time.
My Vision is guided by the laws of Physics as well as market and rigid, legislated standards.
I turn failure in the design process into research grants and tax credits and morph unexpected outcomes into features.
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I am Achievement oriented. This is not an issue of semantics since being achievement oriented has allowed me to exceed even my own high expectations. Setting goals can set one up for failure or force one to fall short of their potential. By cataloging milestones as a compilation of metrics, one can build on achievements. In the creative design process rigid goals can restrict the outcome given there are often many ways to technically achieve the same results. The expectation of some failure at each milestone allows one to expand the realm of the technical "wish list". Failure in this paradigm can often still exceed the results of a rigid goal oriented project.
We live in a sound bite world and our youth do not see the failed attempts and hard work behind success. They see a Dan Girardi after scoring the game seven winner with his national TV sound bite "It was a goal scorers goal", but they don't see the thousands of times he practiced and missed that shot and the ribbing he took from the boys at summer hockey telling him "get out of the slot G, that ice is for goal scorers".
Competitive hockey has taught me the rewards of hard work and determination.
Even while teaching I occasionally make mistakes on purpose to see if the students are paying attention but also to reduce their math anxiety. Revenue Canada recognizes the importance of mistakes for technological growth, hence the SR&ED program generates billions in tax exemptions every year.